
Cosmetic Dentistry: The Importance of Visiting a Dental Office that Has Expertise

Posted by Dr. Soto Mar 12, 2021

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There’s nothing like a sparkling smile to make you feel great about yourself. If you’re considering cosmetic dentistry to get your teeth looking like you just walked out of Hollywood, visit a dental office that has the expertise to make your smile incredible.

But how exactly do you find a dentist’s office that knows how to give you what you want? Let’s talk about what to look for when searching for a dentist who does an excellent job at cosmetic dentistry, and where you can go for an evaluation and treatment which gives you that picture-perfect smile.

How to Find an Expert Cosmetic Dentist

A cosmetic dentist’s office can do it all, including cleanings, exams, X-rays, restorations, whitening treatments, and everything you need for excellent oral health. Also, the dentist engages in ongoing training in the latest treatment techniques and aesthetic dental products and solutions.

Start with your list of dentists covered by your own dental coverage. Also, consider dentists who have been recommended by your friends – especially your friend whose teeth you love! Then search online and read about the dentist on their website: bio, background, location, etc. The website will give a good reflection of the practice itself.

If you’re most interested in trying a dentist who isn’t on your list of dentists covered by your dental plan, then call the practice. They may actually accept your dental coverage irrespective of your provided list.

What Should a Cosmetic Dentist’s Office Offer?

An outstanding cosmetic dentist will first conduct a comprehensive in-office evaluation, including a visual inspection of your teeth and gums, specialized X-rays, and digital photos as needed. Using this information, as well as your own input, the dentist will discuss the goals you have for your teeth and explain how you can make your smile even more perfect.

Some of today’s most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments include the following:

Zoom Teeth Whitening

A one-hour service, Zoom teeth whitening involves your dentist applying a concentration of special hydrogen peroxide gel to your teeth. The gel lifts out accumulated organic stains, leaving your teeth noticeably brighter.

Porcelain Veneers

These thin pieces of bio-grade porcelain are designed to disguise a variety of tooth defects, such as chips, cracks, pits, gaps, and misshapen teeth. Each veneer is permanently bonded to the front side of each tooth.

Invisalign Clear Aligners

An innovative alternative to braces, Invisalign straightens out your teeth over the period of a year or so. You will receive a new, customized acrylic aligner every two or three weeks, and you will wear your aligners all day and night – remove them only when brushing your teeth or eating. No one has to know you wear them!

Cosmetic Dentist’s Office in Plantation, FL

Right here in greater Fort Lauderdale, Dr. Ernie Soto offers an exhaustive menu of cosmetic dentistry services. He can brighten dull teeth, correct misaligned teeth, fill small gaps, repair chips and cracks, and much more. He serves patients of all ages, so he can be your family dentist for many, many years to come.

Dr. Soto’s experience and expertise in cosmetic dentistry will give you smile options you may not have thought of – however simple or complex your needs. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Soto, contact our friendly staff today by calling us at (954) 368-6264 or by filling out our easy-to-use appointment request form online now. We look forward to being your dental partne

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